Privacy friendly iOS app analytics

Roel van der Kraan
November 25, 2023

I'm a huge fan of Simple Analytics, the privacy friendly alternative to Google Analytics. I use it on all my websites and it is great. No cookie banners are needed and the dashboard gives me all the data I need without invading my users privacy.

But for the iOS apps I made I was still using a self hosted instance of Matomo. To change this, I created a swift package for Simple Analtyics! It allows you to add Simple Analytics to your app with just a few lines of code.

You can create a shared instance with the hostname of your app:

And then add pageview or event tracking in your app:

This is the dashboard of one of my (still in stealth) apps. Notice it tracks pageviews as well as visitors. The device type is available, as is the country. It is all I need for my apps!

Check the Simple Analytics swift package on GithubCheck the Simple Analytics swift package on Github